Homeless Support

Our Support

We run a Homeless Lounge at the Salvation Army in Maidenhead 

Our goal is to give rough sleepers protection against the cold, provide for their basic survival needs and offer them a way to reintegrate to society whenever they feel ready to do so. 

See below for details.

Weekly Meals

Hot meals are available in Maidenhead for rough sleepers during the week

Tuesdays: 09:30 Salvation Army (tea and cake)
Tuesdays: 12:30 Maidenhead Synagogue (lunch)
Wednesdays: 5:30pm Foodshare (dinner)
Thursdays: 09:30  Salvation Army (tea and cake)
Thursdays: 10:30 Brett Foundation (breakfast)
Saturdays: 10:00 Foodshare (breakfast)
Sundays: 12:30 Salvation Army (lunch)

Core Services

The core services we offer include:

Additional Support

Once people come regularly for our core services, we are in a position to offer them a wide range of additional support, depending on their needs. These include:


We are looking for people to volunteer once a month in any of the following areas:

To volunteer, email Lauren Webb at laurenwebb@brettfoundation.charity


If you prefer to donate money, you can do so by clicking the button below